En la tarde del día 8 March, members of Magdalena Junín station installed at the corner of Hipólito Irigoyen and Roque Saenz Peña, gave "hugs" to passing women there. Besides providing information leaflets.
Junín Magdalena Station salutes women
by Stella Tuñon
women came together slowly, looked, were taken from the hands, raised to the sun . The sun broke her breasts and well watered the parched earth. When they returned to look, the moon and the drunk, and danced and sang and, when they fell exhausted, the dry ground water flowed and filled the channels, grooves fueled opened and left the vines. Women, on the other moon, are back together, they held hands with a sharp stone, the veins were cut and the sap flooded land, and when the sun came out, the larger trees were scattered in world.
In the third moon, the women joined, married their hair and when the moon went out: loshombres born. Let the water run woman
no secret to keep
leaves a wife to sing
run leaves woman
to get into the river in
and their blood
ignite his clothes to tie ... Dream
them awake
in long nights of boredom
dream them, other nights
the absurd-such liquid melancholy that he love to go ...
to these wonderful women !!!!!!!!
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