Friday, March 11, 2011

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JUNÍN STATION: about Maria Elena

Composer, singer, writer, and above all, culture icon in Argentina,


by Sarmiento de Cuestas

It turned out the magic of her voice, but stays on forever, the magic of his letters, those songs, the poetry of yours that fed to three generations by the delight of young and old.
But beyond this facet undisputed that stands on the pedestal of the greats, it is also a brief discussion of other conditions of his overwhelming personality. Indeed, María Elena Walsh was also a controversial women: their choice of life, maverick, by family and social repression, and innovative in his musical creations in jumping from one style to another, introducing unconventional rhythms and innovative, to such an extent that by then "began to appear his differences with Leda Valladares, (then his life partner and occupation) that lead to their separation. While claiming Leda Valladares value indigenismo and folklore pure in the sense of creating anonymous, María Elena Walsh leaned to the creation of new expressions, feeding on the folkloric roots, but not strictly restricted to them, guided by the values \u200b\u200bof social justice , the feminism and pacifism "(Source: wikipedia)
Following this line of analysis it we find that other critical remark: "The August 16, 1979, Maria Elena published in the cultural supplement of Clarín an article entitled" Misadventures in the Country Garden-of-Birth ". This is a text that the author accepts as legitimate the actions of the dictatorship to suppress "subversion" and "maintain social peace ', but which also slides a critique of the prevailing censorship, assimilating the country to a kindergarten." (Source: wikipedia)
facet appears here also controversial because a year earlier, in time of the World 78, feeling stifled by the censorship imposed by the dictatorship that ruled the country, had taken the decision not to compose or sing in public anymore
On April 5, 1979, in the supplement Culture and Nation newspaper Clarin, appears exceptional note from him, which analyzes the formation education of girls. In this article, "Corruption of Minors?" We can read some of his insightful thoughts:
(...) "We educate our children so that tomorrow (if any) are vacuous princesses of the jet-set ? Do we educate for Heidis of drained forests? Do we educate for future courtesans? Do we educate for mental dwarfs and superfluous "fat ladies"?
(...) This seems, at least in much of the blessed middle class in Argentina, given the absurd insistence that encourages narcissism and vanity of our girls ...
(...) The baby usually enjoy an enviable amnesia to repeat the table of four with an equally enviable memory for details of the last chapter of this love affair with such champions vedette ... (...)
consents and approvals to be manic chafalonía consuming, clothing, paper trash and all that, finally, fashion and do not really represents
model (...) While the little odalisque prim, time passes and it's time of puberty. So adults are alarmed because the baby scares with early sexual fanfare and begins catastrophically high school. Ended the primaries as he could, including mirrors, soap operas, gossip and exhibitionism encouraged and approved, but he crossed puberty is criticized all this and starts to become worthy of the contempt that the banality inspire those who impose better and more expensive to sell. (...)
Just then the scarecrow also appears on TV, that blame. Who she delegated tasks governess? The mediocrity of the TV does nothing but contribute to the mass production of clueless citizens.
(...) It is understood that the girl has no option, which is induced to binge frivolity and dependence, which is traditionally practiced brainwashed that prevents you from choosing another behavior and nurture other interests. (...)
Is not that corruption of minors?
Today, at the time of his final farewell, and nearly 32 years after writing these reflections, they are more relevant than ever.
And it remains in force (or at least revived) the old opposition between and anti-Peronism Peronism , the latter being the tendency with which Maria Elena Walsh was identified originally as it was by then much of the intelligentsia and the middle class in Argentina. Years later, at the absurdities committed by military or anti-Peronist, begins to identify with this movement and recognize the popular sectors that represent, thus again demonstrated its controversial side. Perhaps the senses
verses that he dedicated to Eva Peron after his death, are the best expression of its conceptual and ideological change with respect to Peronism. Or did not express that some of these verses culled from the long, original and beautiful poem entitled EVA?. (...)

Century death never saw more death ...
The endless queue to see
and cursing in case
those black heads will not blessed
to any one ...
Buenos Aires fog and silence.
El Barrio Norte after instructing the lattice
Paris sunshine
And the poor multitude lost his mother ... Crying
naked, forever, alone ...
And the hatred between parentheses, brooding revenge
basements and prod ...
And love and pain were indeed
groaning on the edge of the sidewalk ...

But besides all this, we are left to the credit of this exceptional woman, a monumental work that will endure over time, feeding new generations with the magic of his songs. The more than 20 albums and more than 50 books published over of his career so certify.
For example, who does not remember fondly some of the 12 songs from that landmark musical show for children was "Songs to watch ?. A show with a shoestring budget Casacuberta released in the room of General San Martin Municipal Theatre in 1962 and soon became one of the most important cultural events in Argentina's history. Leda and Mary dressed as minstrels , while the actors Alberto Fernandez de Rosa and Laura Saniez the mime represented. María Elena Walsh Thanks for the unforgettable lyrics "The family Polillal", "The Kingdom of Upside Down," "Milonga del baker", "The cow studious," Paints the Wall, "" Song of sneezing, "" La mona Jacinta "," Gardener's Song, "" Song of the vaccine "," Song of Titina, "" Song for dressing "and" Song of the Fisherman "!.
Thank you also for your original and eternal "Manuelita Tortuga," "The English Devil," "The country of Geometry," "The Mermaid and the captain", and all the wonderful stories trapped in this beautiful book is "The Cuentopos the Gulubú "!.
With all these and many more - thanks to you Maria Elena - could help transit roads magic with elves, fairies, ogres, princesses, witches and sorcerers, rays of sun, hundreds of children in my grandmother's storytelling activity. Indeed, for ten consecutive years walked the kindergarten classroom of my grandchildren, then your primary school and even the first time in high school, where they and their colleagues looked forward to the magic that brought them the voice of the grandmother. And so, in time - I said at the farewell - may remember when the story or the story theater as part of the beautiful world of his childhood. And perhaps, as adults, to give yourself permission to recreate the child in all of us, listening, or telling those stories that I told them.
But that magic that began with the classic "Once upon a time" ... might not have been what it was if you, María Elena, had not spread your wings to fly us, young and old, on the magic carpet your stories and your songs. Hopefully
with Sherese can continue to deploy to infinity, the wonderful charm of those magical wings. So be it, so that, at least in my case, I do not have to sign off with this hurt:
Colorín, colorón,
this story
is a tear. Aldhelm

storyteller Granny establishments Parchment and Rojas


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