Preparen las caderas!
A meeting between Brazil and Argentina
by Barbara Biscaro
When we close the presentation of the show at Collective Vuelos Luisa, in February 2011, through efforts of Natalie and Anna Marcet Woolf, Cielo Asad asked me in an e-mail: What you need to present the show? And I wrote my very strongly in the following sentence portunhol preparen las caderas, believing that the English sillas were correct my naïve caderas, ie hips to my friend argentina .... even after I'd laugh this gaffe, as the terrace of the club that is home Vuelos and would think how nice it was this image: prepare your hips! The Brazilians are coming! My name is Barbara
Biscaro, I'm 26 and I am Brazilian city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. I'm an actress and producer of cultural activities in my city, and sometimes I'm the director, as in the case of Louise, the result of a very special partnership with actress Sandra Knoll.
The history of this show the involvement in Apex Brazil 2010, when two key ideas to their realization gained strength: Sandra's desire to make a personal show, with his actress materials accumulated on years of research and my desire to drive an outdoor show that could travel and be presented wherever he went, speaking in English and Portuguese, dissolving these barriers of language and verbal understandings and touching a ball more intuitive, connected with the presence of the actress who lives his career on stage .... that is, as we have to talk in chat with the public at Vuelos a spectacle to travel the world!
And so in that spirit, we decided to go on their own to make Buenos Aires a few presentations of the show, see the public reaction Porteño and mainly hang contacts with artists, establish partnerships and plan future projects of artistic exchanges. Thus, after contact with Ana Woolf Marcet and Natalia, arrived at the invitation of Cielo and his Vuelos Collective and vibrate with this possibility: Realising a meeting involving artists connected with the Magdalena Project in both countries.
The presentation day was set for February 12, a Saturday night and summer. Cielo and Sofia came to pick us up late at the hostel and we understand from the beginning, the journey to Castelar was marked by a succession of images: Sofia, the beautiful driver of the van, a summer evening that shone and he spoke animatedly holding Cielo mate in hand. For almost the rest of the afternoon we talked, we exchanged experiences, we bring our artistic processes and we also plan the future, together or separately, it did not matter, being there together, it is knowing that mattered .... and when the night began to fall, begin to prepare for the presentation.
A kind of football pitch on the roof of the club district that houses the Collective Vuelos gave way to the stage and Cielo, Daniel and his team transformed with lights and colorful posters space to receive the public. And as he approached the hour, we kept going over and over people were coming in, sitting at desks or on the ground and we via well upon us the moon, clear and inviting to enjoy the beautiful night. And so there were almost 50 people in the audience and the evening becoming more magical. At the end of the presentation suggest a conversation with the audience, who wanted to stay, and they were all questions, comments, statements and have ended the night in many hugs and goodbyes between people who barely knew each other and now since they had already established a bond, that bond that only theater affords, that sense of recognition and fellowship that sometimes arises when we see a spectacle that pleases us. In this talk several important points about the Magdalena Project was raised: the valuation of network of personal relationships and work, strengthening collective and groups who are in the suburbs, the theatrical production performed by women, contact with people from different places and cultures, strategies for survival rates in the theater.
This contact is an important outcome and full of affection that could live within the network Magdalena. The work we do in Florianopolis began in mid-2004 when Marisa Naspolini women artists began to gather in our city and proposed that we think on how to enter this network after attending the 2004 edition of the Transit, Denmark, and returned utterly transformed by this experience. His excitement planted a seed in us, that we completed back and forth between a group that decided to hold the Vertex Brazil - meet and theater festival done by women who already had two editions in 2008 and 2010. The Vertex intends to be biennial and was created by us as a space for artistic exchange within the network Magdalena, trying to support the presence of several national and international artists in our city and to reorient the network in Brazil. Already from the completion of the first vertex we saw with great strength and joy that the network works: women around the world began to contact us, and thanks to this second edition of the event was with the incredible presence in 13 countries, women from all over the world who have spent 10 days dawn and falling asleep together, thinking, watching and doing theater. Producing the Vertex is a difficult task, which begins just after the last day of the previous edition, and have been through many financial and logistical difficulties, but do it nourishes us and turned to some of us in a life project. The team, led by Marisa Naspolini, still has the actresses Gláucia Grigolo and Monica Siedler (and me!), The administrator of cultural Nilce Cleide Silva de Oliveira and photographer.
The next edition of the Vertex is selected: 15 the July 21, 2012, in Florianópolis, Brazil. For 2012 we want to bring together artists from around the American continent: South America, Central and North America at a meeting that would give us an idea, however small, the landscape of female theatrical production in the Americas, the discussion of survival strategies and strengthening partnerships increasingly close, diverting some attention from the Old World for ourselves, so close and sometimes far!
be within Network Magdalena is a very practical way to feed our personal work as artists. We who spend much time in a rehearsal room, creating and producing our shows and strengthening our pedagogical practices sometimes almost alone, we find the network an opportunity to exchange experiences with different people and that we sometimes face a daily life like ours in several artistic or aesthetic pursuits but with the same rigor and passion. And find each other often means to throw light on their own practice and rediscover yourself, or find a teacher or guide figure that both seek to understand or that autonomy is an important step in the artistic and personal maturity. What I like
Network Magdalena is that we need not take human beings that we are of our working practices ... it is very simple to admit how much the who we are and the events of our personal lives affect our ways, steeped in love, children, mothers and fathers, a connection with a land, a cause, a desire. I think
to strengthen ties between artists from Brazil and Argentina need a bit of courage, just as we did with Luisa venturing out on a trip to Buenos Aires, other artists who are willing to show their work or learn about the work of others should be put in touch, weaving projects, however small. Another way would be to view the jobs, resumes and shows the members of Brazil and Argentina, giving the opportunity for us to know us better .... here, as in all initiatives, is the desire of one or more people who can put this wheel in motion.
We are very close, and both places have people with large production capacity, even in its simplicity of financial resources. Artists who are linked institutions or universities, who run their own spaces, which are traveling to shows. I had never even heard of Cielo, and there in your home and your city, I could see his strength, the quality of their work and their ability to move the environment around them, turning a club district on the terrace of the more poetic world. So thank you for trusting and left the network destination and choose for me: encounters like this are rare, beautiful and durable. Maybe it's time to turn our eyes a few other purchases and continue weaving the network, without prejudice or boundaries. So preparen las caderas!
barbara.biscaro @
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