Maria Elena bits we have inside:
our words intertwined to give a farewell, thanks, tribute (Our words or our signs ...)
"Abusing the time irritates the public "
Marcela María Elena Brito Walsh (1930-2011), fed the children of at least three generations with his songs and their texts. Colored the lives of adults throughout their lives and will continue. Writer, poet, playwright, singer, songwriter. Wrote over 50 books and published more than 20 albums. The photographer Sara Facio shared his life for the past thirty years.
"said the frog to get up while peering out the window" mothers sang the curtains of the room and knew that like John had a guardian angel sent to San Pedro careful that we'll be good, it could be a world upside down which could be a bear in a walnut and imagine that we were having tea with china crockery. We saw a live monkey hunting Smooth orange, sweet potato queen abatatándose the presence of the cook, to Manuelita, lifting an entire precursor of today, going to iron out the wrinkles you in Paris to woo her tortoise. The phrase "In the country I do not remember two little steps and I get lost" could be attributed to the movie Nemo Dory. Dailan Kifki delineated: Please do not be surprised because I am an elephant. Back
50, with Leda Valladares, did folklore of northern Argentina. My black poor have always been mourn, may cry a guilt that goes wanting to forget, said a couplet. Together they recorded an album of English songs was called "Songs Maricastaña time,
Then came" The valley and the volcano "with Jairo, where lovers were both to play to find the world in a flower executives had the upper hand and the handle also, for popcorn without loft the Plaza de Mayo was not a good Instead, one day they threw bombs and the next day bread crumbs, in 45, I said, went to the balcony. He asked that the sheet and tablecloth not missing anyone in this world so cruel and invited the blindfolded lady justice aq come down from their pedestals and look how much lie. When President Menem wanted to introduce the death penalty, said: Every time you go to this lesson, humanity back on all fours. Other times he said we were a country kindergarten, which had to be educated in love, she was gentle but tired, that where there are no books in the cold.
"Enciéndanse the new lights of the old variety shows. You can return the dancer imitated q Fred Astaire. Today as yesterday, we need to forget and the pleasure of seeing the artists, these magicians, who make the world go away ..... A scene of artists, as the world exists, the function is not suspended. "
Take heart!
Mariela Díaz
remember in 1978 I was enrolled in the second grade of primary school in Parana. Our reader was "open," Maria Elena Walsh. The author introduces us to the family of a boy named Luciano Montes (how to forget!): Mom, Dad, younger sister, dog, and ... La Abuela.
Page by page we know Montes family events, mixed with poetry and songs. In one of the final readings, the family of Luciano "fall from grace." Strangers had destroyed the house of the Mountains, which were built with great sacrifice. I remember the illustration that accompanied the text, giant tears, saddened faces. Suddenly ... Grandma gave the battle cry: "Take heart!" He said. And so construction began again.
That phrase was the first legacy MEWalsh. When I learned of his death, I felt sadness. Plus, did not last long, because in an instant mysterious, returned to my mind the image of the grandmother, who, like thunder, dropped his harangue: HEARTS UP!
hearts of millions of Argentines thank you, Grandma Mary Ellen W. poetry, images, music and magic of warm characters that populated our childhood.
Maria Elena ... saved my childhood! Asad Ciela
The news of the death of Maria Elena Walsh, in addition to sadness, I was hanging almost immediately in that rare place that is "facebook" the title phrase of this note ... and I was surprised myself.
As if writing on a blackboard, chalk, and knowing that your back, many are watching you.
is that I went immediately to my childhood, a childhood that was not easy, but had the privilege of being accompanied by the words of a second-degree manual that became a kind of Bible, most wonderful toy that could have come to my hand ... and nothing less than my beloved teacher, Miss Elba.
I vividly remember every picture of that manual, poems, stories, and for a long time I felt I knew this family very well drawn there, and appropriated to me, the family of "Luciano Montes", the protagonist of the manual, was also my family.
Words such as cooperation, solidarity, adventure, friendship, nonsense, mess, flight, joined my lonely world and fantasy.
Then came the songs, the world upside down, and the certainty that my life would be linked to this.
I wrote my first poem at age 8, and my grandmother's home had no tellers, no books to hand, that came much later, and that alone is a testament to the powerful influence MEW gave my generation, the following, and no doubt the future ...
So thanks for letting us here Manuelita to Titina, the Mono Liso, to Dailan Kifki, and many others to keep playing, growing, creating ...
So close for so
D'Anna Maria Rosa
... so close ... and for so long ... I know
, Maria Elena
You, as the 30 as my mom
Vos, as Aquarian as my Facundo
You, so full of words, sounds, colors, jasmine, urban myths, secret alarm
I've known that ... "a bird responds with verve wimp and nobody knows where ..." He played
rhymes with my younger sisters ... "never mind, I'm listening" And we walked into the store
singing "all this and more I buy ", thinking ourselves Osías
When I" could not be more than teenager "you appeared to me before other poets, Handmade and Fall unforgivable. In my first love letter, how you copied ...:
" I be employed in softest
stay within your heart
tears and pulled all
fate threatens you with buttons down or misfortunes "In the 70
sang with you to" turn "on the balcony or national chain.
recover in the 80 celebration for my students and my children, to mimic or theatrics, including beans and sticks, turtles, little witches or devils English.
Today, you're still my only companion, which helps me with words, metaphors, triggers, certainties, coherent thoughts, joys angels
Gentlemen, please excuse the inadvertent intrusion
Take care of any lot and rubbing
thorn (as she said)
Maria Elena by the hand of women
Laura D'Anna
2011. I began to mourn when I learned that Maria Elena had died, I remembered that my sister Maria Rosa we sang for us to rise up the strip to strip and eye with button ... and I never knew, even today, if the shoe was the bird or mine, if the bird I was looking at me in my room or in their nest. Both the song was mixed with sleep in the mornings for children.
Yes, first was my sister Mary Rose, the black (which he wrote above). My sister, mom. The teacher and interior decorator, who has 5 children. We sang all. Then I afanaría books of poems, Fall unforgivable and Handmade, two gems that Walsh wrote between 14 and 18. In an effort to internalize what older sisters left in its wake (the books were all busily checked: my sister had added verses written by herself, had responded to Mary Ellen, had written their secrets ...), I devoured them so that I can still recite them an urban fable, and two or three poems. "I have age of melancholy and heart just shattered."
Then came my cousin Maria Eugenia, Christmas, sitting in the yard of my house in my town and beyond, guitar in hand, singing La Pinta slut, the song bellatriste the world. " At that kills birds, it will grow a bullet in the heart of black ice and a whirlpool of terror."
Then my mother, Dora Jane, I helped to prepare the sample of year-end physical expression (my mom, my first theater director). We had to choose a song or music and do something with that, not promptly let me why. She, my mother had chosen and she was also the one that wanted to dance ... And I danced with pride, for me and my mother, the eternal dreamer
"The reason I give
crazy and give you great peace
my song and my heart are are are
for others "
After myself, I gave a drink to my son, almost to the breast, its cuentopos and songs. Even he could not speak but insistently asked him did hear the voice of Maria Elena counting Devil English (wonderful story of the British invasion. I never knew why Manuel would prefer that ...). Or the story that both play well with my students of theater, The Mermaid and Captain (wonderful story about the English conquest)
Maria Elena's songs each have a story and go for music, words, beauty .
I, when I was little, loved The Cat Song fishing. And what I liked, it was believe that cat, the siesta, sitting in my ventanín ...
Leafing those booklets (which I returned to strive to my sister) met again this treasure:
"Singing, singing desperately
With ink and lyric voice of agony,
Broken inside, crazy outside.
hurts from time and eternity with furious
Predict default:
"morning sing my skull."
Maria Elena
Ana Woolf Manuelita
was a little girl, the world upside down, Ozias, studious Cow (mamma mia! What an example!) and the jacaranda and Dailan and more on all sides and by luck. Now continues to follow me, music is one of the inevitable in my suitcase in the world. Lies on all sides. Remain. Choosing
some now, big, and at this precise moment, I would say that the turtle remains Manuelita, who undertook a journey through love, he wanted to be different from what it was, "become" too perhaps, that the right to ironing and reverse ... mmmm, that the peluquita and boots on the feet mmm, maybe it was a lot ... and then ... Manuelita returned to their place of origin to their land. In large
also remains the world upside down with its own "other" rules, where two plus two can be three! What madness and why not ... as in the theater, where the dead stand (Cocteau, not mine). In large
Osías also remains, the teddy bear in overalls and with it I walk through the streets and entering it again in a bazaar but I want time unhurried time to play it is best not loose and caged ... ah! and stories, short stories and novels ... the hand of a grandmother ...
But above all things I want more Maria Elena Walsh to help me not to accept and not give up so easily to the idea that this country can not be me agreement which take a small step here and another one there was / da / so scared.
still a good trip and thanks.
The day she died, Maria Elena
The day she died María Elena, I just give my niece most complete collection of his records and books. I did not know she was serious. But, getting ready to go and visit the South, where he lives, I thought she was, as older sister to read the assigned stories and sing songs to her little brother Peter. Just as my mother had done with me. Just as I did with my brothers. María Elena
unknowingly throughout childhood, took to fill the gap between my mom and me. My mom worked all day as a teacher of literature and when it came, with one hand on the briefcase full of tests to correct and another green zucchini, cut to fill ... we sang songs of María Elena Walsh.
Thanks to that we learned to sing to life through simple stories that speak of things deeper than I had complicated words. We learned to accept being invited and invited to tea with or without porcelain teapot but was not seen although we did not know why.
discovered that life would be a "gross that the entire population without rhyme or so bewitched n". But always there would be a doctor with "vaccine lalunalu . And if we walked " the dining room, such as oranges, surely we could get to the Quebrada de Humahuaca mounted on an elephant called Dailan Kifki color to be the wisest of the place. Paloma
Today, my niece sings to Pedro, my nephew. Just like Mom did with me. So as I did with my brothers.
Maria Elena sang and brought us the touch of our mother while she was working.
But above all things, María Elena gave us the most beautiful mom. That when the storm rages, provides a ray of sun is going through the rainbow, all the storms.
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