Alex Turner, Gabriela Bianco address
A priest who assists someone tell ejecucionespara as . A woman who appeals to science to terminarcon his life, because it can not salvársela.Un murderer is revealed against their ejecución.Un artificiososmecanismos doctor who just wants do their job: matar.Y havens that seem hell. Work
Turner led by Gabriela Alejandro Bianco.
With Evelyn Romano, Mario Petrosini, Mariano Miquelarena and Angel Felix.
Teatro El Cubo.
21pm Wednesday from Jan. 19
Entry $ 40

with texts by Doña Rosita , Yerma and Mariana Pineda, Julieta Cancelli conceived this tribute to Federico García Lorca. Music and dance created especially for the show, accompanied by the stark beauty the work of the great Andalusian writer. That deep sense that beats from the earth itself, and in women materializes out of his pen.
revival: Saturday 15 January at 20 pm
Functions: Saturday, January and February at 20 pm
Ostrich No: 1857 Humboldt
Reports: 4777-6956
Admission: $ 30 and $ 20
http://ar to =
About the play ... No heaven without earth
There is no freedom without choice,
There is no creation without roots ...
A journey through the world of women Lorca. A world full of metaphors, where the desire throbs emerge from the illusion.
A proposal that was conceived after a thorough search, which aims at the harmonious union of different artistic languages. Factsheet
Singer: Julieta Cancelli
Guitar: Maximiliano Bus
Winds and Percussion: German Gigena
Guest artist: Fernando Atias
Costume: Julia Set
Side: Maximiliano Trent
Photo: Eugenia López
Music Creation: Maximiliano
Choreographic Creation Bus : Julieta Cancelli
acting Address: Ricardo Bangueses
General Support: Maximiliano Trent
Executive producer: Arte Flamenco
Release: Simkin & Franco
general idea and direction: Julieta Cancelli
of Daniel Veronese to address Biscaro Barbara (Brazil) and Sandra Knoll action (Brazil)
6 and 13 February in Buenos Aires and 12 February in Castelar
Along with the "Arts Club" We are pleased to present on tour in Buenos Aires on one-man "Luisa" written by Daniel Veronese (Argentina) starring Sandra Knoll (Brazil) and directed by Barbara Biscaro (Brazil). volvió.Luisa Augustine recounts his encounter with the man who, after twelve years of waiting, suddenly becomes a night to say goodbye. Luisa's universe and the universe are intertwined Augustine, a story that mixes facts, memories and imagination. The memories, real or created, composed of a fabric woven and unwoven by time, by the love and the espera.Ficha TécnicaTexto - Daniel VeroneseDirección - Barbara BiscaroActuación - Sandra KnollEscenografía and apparel - Roberto GorgatiTraducción text - André CarreiraAdaptación text - Sandra KnollAsesoramiento foreign language - Esteban CampanelaLuisa is a one-man born of a partnership between three artists: the actresses Sandra Knoll and Barbara Biscaro and designer Roberto Gorgati. The initiative came from the desire of the actress Sandra Knoll of staging the text of Daniel Veronese, was established so that the staging could give voice and freedom to this actress who tells the story of character and at the same time develops a personal drama about the universe proposed by the text. It is a staging that was designed to be carried out both in theaters and in open spaces and non-theatrical, in order to dialogue with different architectural forms, such as facades of houses, gardens and walls and has an intimate nature with a reduced government capacity to provide close proximity between the viewer and the scene.
Year: 2010
Duration: 40 minutes
Seating capacity: 40 places
Show bilingual, conducted in Portuguese and English.
06 and February 13, 2011
Hours: 19.30 and 21.00 hours
Admission: $ 25.00
Reservations: 4384.0700 / /
SEMINAR INTENSIVE : permeable bodyBarbara Biscaro
In conjunction with the Arts Club will host the seminar intensive "permeable body" by the singer, director and teacher Barbara Biscaro (Brazil) *. This is a seminar focusing on the theatrical creation through the work of actor, using the individual on the scene, their memories, their physical body and its desires as a starting point for the scenic work. Through the use of vocal and body techniques, the course aims to develop the permeability of the actor on stage, their capacity for action and response to external and internal stimuli, challenging the actor to improvise and compose their own material on stage. The use of movement and musicality of the song as poetic gesture voice are the basis for the development of kinesthetic memory of the actor, his ability to improvise and create voice and voice-body integration as a way to concretize technical and poetic in the course of each participant.
The course will seek to develop:
-technical aspects of voice, breathing, use of resonators, singing and vocal improvisation with the text.
-technical aspects of body movement: use of qualities such as weight, time and space in creating the movement and development of the musicality of the body on stage.
-Creation of new phrases to the scene, both from the sung and spoken word.
-Integration body-work voice actor, looking for the physical body of the voice. Composition and improvisation
of scenic materials from the materials proposed by the participants. Target
- actors, dancers, singers, professional and students and the general public
* Barbara is a graduate in Art Education with qualification in Performing Arts from the University of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC). Graduation is currently studying Music at the same university and graduated at the Post-Graduate Program for five years UDESC.Integró Andras Cia De Dança-Teatro, company Florianópolis / SC, focusing on physical training work of actor-dancer and language development through the drama of the movement, from daily physical training and research theory and practice guided by Prof. Dr. Milton de Andrade. Participated as a dancer and cultural production of the work of Andras Co., with the show Quijote, in the year 2005, and Butterfly, in the year 2006 referred to the Incentive Award Dance Klauss various courses continuously Viana.Realiza preparation to jam and various vocal techniques of the voice approach, with professionals like Monica Montenegro, Germana Giannini (Italy), Massimiliano Buldrini (Italy) and Sabine Uitz (Austria). She had singing lessons and vocal technique for four years with the Brazilian soprano Elaine Boniol, graduate and Master of the Holkschüle Weimar / Germany. He studied physiology and pedagogy of singing voice with mezzo-soprano Catarina Claudinei Crescêncio. Currently takes lessons with soprano Samira Hassan. Make physical and vocal preparation of actors and has a job teaching with a focus on body preparation of singers, with a view to integrate body movement and voice in theatrical and musical work. In the years 2008 and 2010 spent periods in Italy studying and teaching music and conducted short courses in theater in the city of Imola / Italy next to the TILT - Imola Trasgressivo Teatrale.Cantante Laboratory, studies and teaches vocal technique for actors, having participated in the professional choir Polyphonia Khorus, Florianópolis / SC and worked as a singer in operas such as Carmen and Cavalleria Rusticana. Research develops a sole proprietorship, which resulted in the show "Recite - tudo aquilo Shaman to ATTENTION, attracted and turned on or olhar" in the year 2006, with a repertoire of music of Claudio Santoro, H. Villa Lobos and Kurt Weil, with a view to investigate the integration of the singing voice and movement corporal.En the year 2008 and 2010, together with artists like Monica Siedler, Marisa Gláucia Naspolini and Grigolo, Vertex event occurred Brazil match and theater shows made by women, Florianópolis / SC, linked to The Magdalena Project.En the year of 2010 was referred to the allowance of Stimulus to Culture Elisabete Anderle, State Government of Santa Catarina with a research project that originated the stage show "A Menina Boba" and directed the show "Louise" with the CIA Teatrais Experimentus within Intersecções project contemplated by the award Myriam Muniz, the Funarte.
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