Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Install Samson R10s Microphone

in the demonstration of Gödel (Part 3)

(Part 2 A - Part 4 A )


- Professor, when we self-reference?
- Patience, and almost there.

In the previous chapter we said that the program proposed to Hilbert axioms for arithmetic and axioms (and rules of inference, which are those that tell us what conclusions can be obtained from certain assumptions) should be chosen so that the correction of any show based on them could be verified (from the meta-level) mechanically in a finite number of steps (ie, it should be possible to program a computer to check whether a proof is valid or not.)

Specifically, the demonstrations that included the Hilbert program as valid should be translatable into a finite sequence of statements such that each of these, or it was an axiom, or it could be inferred from statements previously located in the succession by applying certain specific inference rules. (1)

This idea imposes three conditions for the formalization of arithmetic. The first is that their statements must be translated into a language with well-defined symbols (a prerequisite to have an algorithm that works on these statements-a meta-level-).

For the purposes of this series of posts, the language we use consist of the symbol "+" and ".", The constant 1, which add parentheses and symbols for logical operations. The language will also variables, x, y, z, ... may represent only natural numbers (never express functions, sets or other objects (2) ).

metamathematics that works only at the syntactic level, so the expression

(1 + 1). (1 + 1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

shall, at the meta-level, different expression:

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = (1 + 1). (1 + 1)

because, although both have the same symbols, they are written in different order.

Assume, for meta-treatment, all statements have been translated into this formal language. Assume also that we have a sequence of statements and you want to write a program to test whether this sequence is, or is not a valid demonstration. The "take" then a statement of the sequence and must verify whether it is or not an axiom.

The second is, then, that there is an algorithm to verify in a finite number of steps if a statement is or not an axiom.

Continuing the process that should continue this program, if a statement is not an axiom, the program must be able to check whether the statement can be deduced from previous statements in succession. The third characteristic is then the ratio "Q follows from the hypotheses H1, H2, H3 ,..." must be verified algorithmically.

In fact, we reduce ourselves to take a single inference rule, called Rule of Modus Ponens, which says that P and P ---> Q Q. It follows (The rule must be understood at the syntactic level, without appeal to possible meanings.)

say that a property is recursive if algorithmically verifiable. We can say that the system of axioms and inference rules must be both resourceful.

continued ...


(1) This is the meta-verification process of proposing demostraciopnes Hilbert Program. Of course, there is the process by which mathematicians find these demonstrations.

(2) Every theory has two types of axioms: its specific axioms and the logical axioms , that are general and common to all theories. These are statements that are worth whatever the universe of discourse under consideration (eg, "To everything x, x = x ). If we respect restrictions on the use of variables then it is possible to give an axiom system that respects the conditions for Hilbert and to deduce all these universally valid statements (this was proved by Gödel in 1929). If we admit variables representing functions, sets, etc. Hilbert then the program would be unworkable at the level of the same underlying logic.

( A Part 2 - Part 4 A )

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Does Water Move Into Respirometer Pipettes

The self-referential in the demonstration of Gödel ( Part 2) The self-referential

( A Part 1 - Part 3 A )

Dialectics Syntax / Semantics

Gödel's theorems, published in 1931, are part of a long debate on the fundamentals of mathematics that began in 1872 with the discovery, by Cantor, the transfinite, which had been boosted since 1902 with the discovery of Russell's Paradox.

The battlefield of the controversy was nothing less than infinity. Constructivist school, led by LEJ Brouwer, argued that the introduction of the actual infinite in mathematics was absurd and unjustified and that the theory of transfinite Cantor was just a meaningless word game. The only valid mathematical objects, held this school are those that can be constructed mechanically in a finite number of steps. For example, they could not speak of all the natural numbers, but finite and an ever increasing numbers are calculated individually. The statements speak of infinite totalities, for the constructivists were meaningless.

By 1920 the controversy involved in David Hilbert, who in a series of papers published over ten years, he proposed what is today known as the Hilbert Program and essentially , had the requirement finitude and constructive objects mathematical to mathematical reasoning.

More precisely, Hilbert proposed the creation of a new science that he called meta- . This science would aim to verify the validity of mathematical reasoning. To avoid controversy (and to ensure that no paradoxes arise) this science would be purely finitary: the meta-treat statements and mathematical reasoning as if they were just meaningless strings of symbols to which mechanically manipulate a finite amount of steps.

has In some texts the disclosure that the Hilbert program sought to reduce mathematics to a game of meaningless symbols, has also said that for Hilbert the concept of "mathematical truth" did not exist. Nothing more false. Hilbert, we understand, was primarily a research mathematician (the best of their time) and it is impossible, unthinkable, I could think so. Hilbert attributed these traits, not mathematics, but metamathematics.

Mathematics works at a semantic level, full of meanings. The mathematician, on the day to day, always working, believe, conjecture, showing and suffering, as if what he had in hand were real objects.

metamathematics based on the idea of \u200b\u200bHilbert, who works at the syntactic level, provides methods to check the arguments, that the mathematician has obtained as a final result of his creative work, are correct. To do this check the reasoning would be loaded on a computer that would verify whether the reasoning is valid or not. Hilbert, of course, not talking about computers, but what I said in the previous sentence reflects the gist of Hilbert: the validity of the argument is checked by mechanical manipulation of symbols made in a finite amount of steps (the verification of reasoning, it was obtained).

Specifically, the proposed Hilbert program to a set of axioms for arithmetic (1) that met four conditions:

1. The system should be consistent (ie, there should not be a statement P such that P and its negation be simultaneously shown).
2. The validity of any demonstration must be verifiable by mechanical manipulation (syntax) in a finite number of steps.
3. Given any statement P, either he or his denial should be demonstrable.
4. The consistency of the axioms must be verifiable fnita mechanically in an amount of steps.

Note that these conditions are not mathematics but metamathematics. If these four conditions could be met then the notion of "provability" (syntax) and "truth" (semantics) could be considered equivalent. But Gödel's theorem showed precisely that these four conditions can not be fulfilled at once. Are met and 1 2 3 then it is false and 4 , if the system is reasonably powerful, it is impossible.

In the next chapter that they wish to say "reasonably strong" and begin to analyze the proof of Gödel.

continued ...

(1) Note: Arithmetic is the theory that talks about the addition and multiplication of natural numbers. Hilbert believed that this was the fundamental theory of mathematics (and not set theory).

( A Part 1 - Part 3 A )

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Contraceptive Pilll Altheain Australia

in the demonstration of Gödel (Part 1) 500 x 1

( A Part 2)

What do we say when we say "This sentence is not strable demo?

In recent years, for various reasons and in different areas, I have had to extensively discuss the proof of Gödel's theorems. On these occasions I have noticed that there are questions that appear repeatedly in the public and, perhaps, be shared by some readers of this blog.

The intention of this series of posts is to try to dispel those doubts. Do not try to develop in detail the proofs of the theorems of Gödel, but doing a general overview with special emphasis on two points:

1. The first call Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem says that, as an axiomatic system for arithmetic to certain conditions (which we recall below), it is always possible to find an arithmetic statement can not be proven nor disproven from those axioms.

often said (I myself have said on more than one occasion) that the proof of this theorem is to construct an arithmetical statement which reads: "This sentence is not provable."

But is it really? Is he really the assertion of its own non-provability? The answer is that no statement speaks for itself. More precisely, we see that the statement may be seen as self-referral accepted only if certain arbitrary conventions that are external to the system of axioms.

The second point to discuss is this:

2. Take, for example, the Peano axioms (which are axioms of arithmetic). Accept that these axioms are a consistent (as in fact, generally accepted). Second-called Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem shows that the statement "The Peano axioms are consistent" can not be proved or disproved from those axioms.

However, if a statement P can not be proved or disproved from an axiom system (call it A) then both P and its negation statement can be added to the system A and in both cases have a system consistent. (The classic historical example is to take A as the first four postulates of Euclid and P, the parallel postulate.)

In particular, this means that the statement "The Peano axioms are consistent no" can be added to the Peano axioms so that the resulting system is consistent!. Now ... Is not it weird? How can it be consistent with the axioms of Peano's statement denying (falsely) that these axioms are consistent? As we shall see, the paradox is only apparent and results from a bad interprertación it really tells the simple statement "The Peano axioms are not consistent."

The task is posed. It remains only roll up and carry it out.

continued ...

500 responses

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oxidizing Emulsion Ice Cream

excellent for a good question.

Yugioh Duelist Academy Vba Cheats

soon ...

Later this blog ...

1. More chapters The Omegon and all that ... (serial, how could it be otherwise, threatens to become infinite).
2. The definition of empowerment (much discussed lately).
3. Some comments on the demonstration of Gödel (inspired by recurring doubts raised by a neighbor's blog.)
4. The surreal numbers (restarting a series that began with the left foot).
5. From Euclid to Hilbert (a walk geometric).
6. Etc.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Does Cockroach Crap Look Like

dialogue (2 º parte)

(Continued from previous dialog .)

F: "Where is then the analogy with squaring the circle?
G: When I raised in this post the analogy between the motion of the bishop and the squaring of the circle, imagine a single bishop on a chessboard, with no other pieces present. Under those conditions, if the bishop is moved according to the rules of chess, you can never move from white to a black box.

F: "And it shows that it is impossible to square the circle?
G: No, definitely not showing it. It's just an image that serves to illustrate the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute impossibility in Mathematics. It is as impossible to square the circle as the bishop is to move from a white to a black box (under the conditions described previously).

F: But it is possible that the bishop move from a white box to a quarter in a game of truth. Do not invalidate this analogy?
G: the contrary. Squaring the circle asks, given a circle, construct a square that has exactly the same area, using only a straightedge and compass . Under these conditions the construction is absolutely impossible. But it is possible to build if we admit other resources in the same way that the bishop himself can change color if we add further complexities to the situation.

F: How?
G: For example, since the circle, put a string around its edge so that both edge and thread, coincide. Then pull the thread so it looks like a segment. Trace the segment determined by the thread. If the diameter of a circle is the measured segment pi and from it is very easy to draw the square order.

F: So is it possible or impossible to square the circle?
G: is impossible if we just use the resources it requires the classic problem (straightedge and compass). But it is possible if we allow the use of other elements. So its strange examples of games in which the bishop will change color, far from refute the analogy, make it more complete.

F: But you say that the analogy does not prove that it is impossible to square.
G: No, of course not. The show is based on three facts:

1. From a segment unit can only be built (using straightedge and compass) segments whose length is an algebraic number. [Unable to obtain all algebraic numbers, but that's not important now.]
2. The square circle is possible if and only if it can build a segment of length pi.
3. Pi is not algebraic.

The combination of these facts unavoidable results ... Well, what we already know: squaring the circle is impossible.

F: "The demonstrations of these three facts are easy to understand?
G: The demonstration of the fact (1) is not difficult, just requires a little knowledge of geometry. demonstrates the fact (2) is a bit more difficult. The fact of (3) is rather more complicated.

F: What if there was an error in the proof of fact (3)? (I say that because is the most difficult.)
G: The show has been revised again and again by generations of mathematicians who have unanimously ratified their validity.

F: What if, despite everything, there was a mistake? A mistake that would have overlooked all the thousands of mathematicians who reviewed the show?
G: Have you ever been to Paris?
F: You tell me, and it was you who created me.
G: Well . You never was in Paris, me neither.

F: I see, going to ask how I know that the Eiffel Tower really is.
G: Exactly. How do you know? How do you know that there is no universal conspiracy to make us believe (who never were in Paris) that there is something called "Eiffel Tower"? How do you know actually in Paris there nothing? How do you know if what happens is that every visitor to the tower case was recruited to be part of this conspiracy and to propagate the lie? How do you know all the supposed pictures of the tower are fake? Etc., etc. ...

F: I can not know for sure.
G: Exactly. In fact I could not even know if you were standing in front of the tower itself, because their senses could be being deceived. But infinitely more reasonable assumption is that the Eiffel Tower does exist and that all photographs that show (well, let's say almost all) represent a real object.
F: suppose you're right.
G: Similarly, exactly the same way, infinitely more reasonable assumption is that squaring the circle really is impossible, because generations of mathematicians have so found. The most reasonable, the only sensible thing is to abandon any attempt to solve the problem (using the classic method).
F: So why are there still people who tried?
G: I have no idea.

F: you allow me one last question?
G: course.
F: Following his words ... the same way, exactly the same way, the most reasonable assumption to me is to accept that I am talking to you?
G: Sure.
F: Yet I do not exist. As I said before, you created me. Where does that leave us?
G: I wonder what kind of statement is "I do not exist." Who is the "I" that asserts that there?

The End?

Ikusa Otome Valkery 2?



Maria Elena bits we have inside:

our words intertwined to give a farewell, thanks, tribute (Our words or our signs ...)

"Abusing the time irritates the public "

Marcela María Elena Brito Walsh (1930-2011), fed the children of at least three generations with his songs and their texts. Colored the lives of adults throughout their lives and will continue. Writer, poet, playwright, singer, songwriter. Wrote over 50 books and published more than 20 albums. The photographer Sara Facio shared his life for the past thirty years.
"said the frog to get up while peering out the window" mothers sang the curtains of the room and knew that like John had a guardian angel sent to San Pedro careful that we'll be good, it could be a world upside down which could be a bear in a walnut and imagine that we were having tea with china crockery. We saw a live monkey hunting Smooth orange, sweet potato queen abatatándose the presence of the cook, to Manuelita, lifting an entire precursor of today, going to iron out the wrinkles you in Paris to woo her tortoise. The phrase "In the country I do not remember two little steps and I get lost" could be attributed to the movie Nemo Dory. Dailan Kifki delineated: Please do not be surprised because I am an elephant. Back
50, with Leda Valladares, did folklore of northern Argentina. My black poor have always been mourn, may cry a guilt that goes wanting to forget, said a couplet. Together they recorded an album of English songs was called "Songs Maricastaña time,
Then came" The valley and the volcano "with Jairo, where lovers were both to play to find the world in a flower executives had the upper hand and the handle also, for popcorn without loft the Plaza de Mayo was not a good Instead, one day they threw bombs and the next day bread crumbs, in 45, I said, went to the balcony. He asked that the sheet and tablecloth not missing anyone in this world so cruel and invited the blindfolded lady justice aq come down from their pedestals and look how much lie. When President Menem wanted to introduce the death penalty, said: Every time you go to this lesson, humanity back on all fours. Other times he said we were a country kindergarten, which had to be educated in love, she was gentle but tired, that where there are no books in the cold.
"Enciéndanse the new lights of the old variety shows. You can return the dancer imitated q Fred Astaire. Today as yesterday, we need to forget and the pleasure of seeing the artists, these magicians, who make the world go away ..... A scene of artists, as the world exists, the function is not suspended. "

Take heart!
Mariela Díaz

remember in 1978 I was enrolled in the second grade of primary school in Parana. Our reader was "open," Maria Elena Walsh. The author introduces us to the family of a boy named Luciano Montes (how to forget!): Mom, Dad, younger sister, dog, and ... La Abuela.
Page by page we know Montes family events, mixed with poetry and songs. In one of the final readings, the family of Luciano "fall from grace." Strangers had destroyed the house of the Mountains, which were built with great sacrifice. I remember the illustration that accompanied the text, giant tears, saddened faces. Suddenly ... Grandma gave the battle cry: "Take heart!" He said. And so construction began again.
That phrase was the first legacy MEWalsh. When I learned of his death, I felt sadness. Plus, did not last long, because in an instant mysterious, returned to my mind the image of the grandmother, who, like thunder, dropped his harangue: HEARTS UP!
hearts of millions of Argentines thank you, Grandma Mary Ellen W. poetry, images, music and magic of warm characters that populated our childhood.

Maria Elena ... saved my childhood! Asad Ciela
The news of the death of Maria Elena Walsh, in addition to sadness, I was hanging almost immediately in that rare place that is "facebook" the title phrase of this note ... and I was surprised myself.
As if writing on a blackboard, chalk, and knowing that your back, many are watching you.
is that I went immediately to my childhood, a childhood that was not easy, but had the privilege of being accompanied by the words of a second-degree manual that became a kind of Bible, most wonderful toy that could have come to my hand ... and nothing less than my beloved teacher, Miss Elba.
I vividly remember every picture of that manual, poems, stories, and for a long time I felt I knew this family very well drawn there, and appropriated to me, the family of "Luciano Montes", the protagonist of the manual, was also my family.
Words such as cooperation, solidarity, adventure, friendship, nonsense, mess, flight, joined my lonely world and fantasy.
Then came the songs, the world upside down, and the certainty that my life would be linked to this.
I wrote my first poem at age 8, and my grandmother's home had no tellers, no books to hand, that came much later, and that alone is a testament to the powerful influence MEW gave my generation, the following, and no doubt the future ...
So thanks for letting us here Manuelita to Titina, the Mono Liso, to Dailan Kifki, and many others to keep playing, growing, creating ...

So close for so
D'Anna Maria Rosa
... so close ... and for so long ... I know
, Maria Elena
You, as the 30 as my mom
Vos, as Aquarian as my Facundo
You, so full of words, sounds, colors, jasmine, urban myths, secret alarm
I've known that ... "a bird responds with verve wimp and nobody knows where ..." He played
rhymes with my younger sisters ... "never mind, I'm listening" And we walked into the store
singing "all this and more I buy ", thinking ourselves Osías
When I" could not be more than teenager "you appeared to me before other poets, Handmade and Fall unforgivable. In my first love letter, how you copied ...:
" I be employed in softest

stay within your heart
tears and pulled all
fate threatens you with buttons down or misfortunes "In the 70

sang with you to" turn "on the balcony or national chain.
recover in the 80 celebration for my students and my children, to mimic or theatrics, including beans and sticks, turtles, little witches or devils English.
Today, you're still my only companion, which helps me with words, metaphors, triggers, certainties, coherent thoughts, joys angels

Gentlemen, please excuse the inadvertent intrusion

Take care of any lot and rubbing
thorn (as she said)

Maria Elena by the hand of women
Laura D'Anna
2011. I began to mourn when I learned that Maria Elena had died, I remembered that my sister Maria Rosa we sang for us to rise up the strip to strip and eye with button ... and I never knew, even today, if the shoe was the bird or mine, if the bird I was looking at me in my room or in their nest. Both the song was mixed with sleep in the mornings for children.
Yes, first was my sister Mary Rose, the black (which he wrote above). My sister, mom. The teacher and interior decorator, who has 5 children. We sang all. Then I afanaría books of poems, Fall unforgivable and Handmade, two gems that Walsh wrote between 14 and 18. In an effort to internalize what older sisters left in its wake (the books were all busily checked: my sister had added verses written by herself, had responded to Mary Ellen, had written their secrets ...), I devoured them so that I can still recite them an urban fable, and two or three poems. "I have age of melancholy and heart just shattered."
Then came my cousin Maria Eugenia, Christmas, sitting in the yard of my house in my town and beyond, guitar in hand, singing La Pinta slut, the song bellatriste the world. " At that kills birds, it will grow a bullet in the heart of black ice and a whirlpool of terror."

Then my mother, Dora Jane, I helped to prepare the sample of year-end physical expression (my mom, my first theater director). We had to choose a song or music and do something with that, not promptly let me why. She, my mother had chosen and she was also the one that wanted to dance ... And I danced with pride, for me and my mother, the eternal dreamer
"The reason I give
crazy and give you great peace
my song and my heart are are are
for others "

After myself, I gave a drink to my son, almost to the breast, its cuentopos and songs. Even he could not speak but insistently asked him did hear the voice of Maria Elena counting Devil English (wonderful story of the British invasion. I never knew why Manuel would prefer that ...). Or the story that both play well with my students of theater, The Mermaid and Captain (wonderful story about the English conquest)
Maria Elena's songs each have a story and go for music, words, beauty .

I, when I was little, loved The Cat Song fishing. And what I liked, it was believe that cat, the siesta, sitting in my ventanín ...
Leafing those booklets (which I returned to strive to my sister) met again this treasure:
"Singing, singing desperately
With ink and lyric voice of agony,
Broken inside, crazy outside.

hurts from time and eternity with furious
Predict default:
"morning sing my skull."

Maria Elena
Ana Woolf Manuelita
was a little girl, the world upside down, Ozias, studious Cow (mamma mia! What an example!) and the jacaranda and Dailan and more on all sides and by luck. Now continues to follow me, music is one of the inevitable in my suitcase in the world. Lies on all sides. Remain. Choosing
some now, big, and at this precise moment, I would say that the turtle remains Manuelita, who undertook a journey through love, he wanted to be different from what it was, "become" too perhaps, that the right to ironing and reverse ... mmmm, that the peluquita and boots on the feet mmm, maybe it was a lot ... and then ... Manuelita returned to their place of origin to their land. In large
also remains the world upside down with its own "other" rules, where two plus two can be three! What madness and why not ... as in the theater, where the dead stand (Cocteau, not mine). In large
Osías also remains, the teddy bear in overalls and with it I walk through the streets and entering it again in a bazaar but I want time unhurried time to play it is best not loose and caged ... ah! and stories, short stories and novels ... the hand of a grandmother ...
But above all things I want more Maria Elena Walsh to help me not to accept and not give up so easily to the idea that this country can not be me agreement which take a small step here and another one there was / da / so scared.
still a good trip and thanks.

The day she died, Maria Elena



The day she died María Elena, I just give my niece most complete collection of his records and books. I did not know she was serious. But, getting ready to go and visit the South, where he lives, I thought she was, as older sister to read the assigned stories and sing songs to her little brother Peter. Just as my mother had done with me. Just as I did with my brothers. María Elena
unknowingly throughout childhood, took to fill the gap between my mom and me. My mom worked all day as a teacher of literature and when it came, with one hand on the briefcase full of tests to correct and another green zucchini, cut to fill ... we sang songs of María Elena Walsh.
Thanks to that we learned to sing to life through simple stories that speak of things deeper than I had complicated words. We learned to accept being invited and invited to tea with or without porcelain teapot but was not seen although we did not know why.
discovered that life would be a "gross that the entire population without rhyme or so bewitched n". But always there would be a doctor with "vaccine lalunalu . And if we walked " the dining room, such as oranges, surely we could get to the Quebrada de Humahuaca mounted on an elephant called Dailan Kifki color to be the wisest of the place. Paloma
Today, my niece sings to Pedro, my nephew. Just like Mom did with me. So as I did with my brothers.
Maria Elena sang and brought us the touch of our mother while she was working.
But above all things, María Elena gave us the most beautiful mom. That when the storm rages, provides a ray of sun is going through the rainbow, all the storms.

Milena Velba No Folla

compatriot Maria Elena Walsh

(Extra Magazine) March 7, 1973

this letter I want to start calling you sister, whatever your age and social status. In fact the relationship is new, a recent discovery of the Women's Liberation Movement. Until now, only sisters were nuns, and do not seem to be children of the same father but to be wives of the husband right? Tata sons of God because we all are. Argentina in the great family men fraternize, embrace loud, called Brother! tango with fervor, and in a paroxysm of passion come to strip fraternal footballers in full court. But women have been sisters but never isolated entities, social outcasts, children instigated to betray
Nevertheless, we have been twinned our common shades, our conditioning as satellites subject to relentless regulations. Policy shocks and we have shared too many troubles. It is also true that our men go, but it is also true that it is they who tell the fabrican.Querría sister, finally, because I guess you're so sick like me and not paternalism issue, drawing on the invitation of the journal EXTRA dialogue with you, I climb into a pulpit "maternalist" to endilgarte reprimands and suggestions, if not threats, as we receive daily from all frentes.Querría share with you some uncertainties, some indignation and something that has become desperate. Or, to borrow a phrase that could be attributed funny boys: - "Dear what we sew costumes for these carnivals pre-election?" Because women are always forced to dress up something in order to survive, If you're a party activist I have nothing to say, but I wish you good health and to learn karate. And try not to make mistakes, because the failure of a man, even a mistake to armed is just a simple mistake "is human!" But the mistake of a woman is a disgrace and serves the generalization: "Women are not trained ... etc.. But you may not believe military or as much on platforms, candidates or speeches. Whoever you, you are holding a rotten falling off, in your dual role as victim and the system cómplice.Sobre your shoulders rests peacefully, and for that I recommend tranquility, "femininity", do not be leaving the rollers amachones and using the head crazy to think. Because thanks to your acrobatic economy survive, because it allows men to your free labor and / or lower wages, to support a situation without your sacrifice would be intolerable and require them to fight with greater accuracy and whoever celeridad.Seas you shine for your absence from the pre-election period. Not according to a candidate, or union leader, even as opinionated, very rare exceptions. And what is worse, when you're the exception and allows you to integrate a match for more than just pasting stamps and making coffee, you got scared, rightly, to represent your fellow and you seem just a macho front for the interests and you play your traición.Naturalmente own, some boys were critical of the indifference and abstention, and take the opportunity to consolidate their ancestral arguments: "The woman is not prepared to act in politics, your destination is home, and so on." These boys are not often wonder why no inmate wins in the Olympics, or why the guild platers did not give any writer of the stature of Mujica Lainez. Or, to better exemplify a quote attributed to Bernard Shaw: "The white American blacks sentenced to nothing more than polishing shoes, then went around saying that blacks did not serve for more than shoeshine." And this makes me think in another famous phrase: "We must educate the sovereign." With the mental fragility of my own sex do not remember whether or Tu Sam Sarmiento said. (See Don Zonceras Manual Jauretche: yes, it was Sarmiento on one of its cloudy days). Do I have to educate people and restore culture miserably robbed who use it to keep it in darkness and destitution? Do I have to educate, prepare women or leave them to own their lives, restoring to plundering them energy, brutalized? Must be prepared or have been provided without the stop exercising? "Women are not prepared!" "Intuition, essentially feminine virtue!" And nobody says you have to castrate the jerks, not to continue playing and producing concepts like these? The capitalist culture, psychology addressed, its media, its women's magazines (with which we should make a pyre Plaza Mayo and burn them to fret their publishers), all the air we breathe is polluted with the same fallacy: the inability Natural and subordination of women. And women and children were the first humans to death that exploded the Industrial Age, pulling them out by force of the Most Holy Home. And it is our Western and Christian world which does not allow women workers enjoy without anxiety of motherhood, which manages two brothels and moral, one for ladies and another for men, which is outraged by terrorist acts, but turns a blind eye to all the outrages committed against the woman's body. "Women do not realize how much they hate men," a feminist. Any ideas rather ambiguous, but escaped this sentence you are calling things by their name. Marginalization, procrastination, misogyny, are nothing but euphemisms to soften a reality called hate. Punto.CON a typical strategy of any aggressor with a tail of straw, typically defend the charge: - "But you feminists hate men, they declare war on men!" Feminists do not have hatred, we fight. The hate-with irons, whether weapons or currency-guy thing. We are tired of hatred, even if it comes packaged in sublimation and compliments. We have not declared war, but note that it exists and has the years of our civilization. We defended as we could, sometimes with bad art, therefore it is better than open war now appears clean, is to declare all forms of male arrogance. The guerrillas of the ruse, the retreat and comfort merely reproduces a series of wives "achanchadas" castradoras.El mothers and Women's Liberation Movement is a revolutionary ideology, not squeezed out of moth-eaten tomes but the daily martyrdom of half of humanity . Born in the markets and along the troughs, on the edge of the stretchers of gynecologists and against the butchers of celibate old men! Vatican are plotting sexual behavior as it is in the interests of capital and military market fluctuations.
There is entertainment for to distract from the liberation of peoples, but this release is determined solely lie while the men. And is no longer possible to think in terms prior to Marx and Freud (not to mention Galileo and Columbus), no longer think without eradicating the roots of gender bias, and model base opresión.CAUSAN all grace, not to say otherwise, the statements of some of Ios hasty candidates: "Women, for our government, enjoy equal rights ... etc.." This crude way of capturing the votes of those who were neglected during the making of platforms and lists causes autumnal melancholy tenderness. Promises ... Mom! If leaders they propose to solve the problems of women should begin to know them. And, as I know, women have not been called to bring to light, worth the feminine expression. And much less suspicious of feminist witches, which are all ugly and old (instead our leaders are all young and beautiful ... Rucci has a something of Paul Newman did you see?). Give the solutions they deem appropriate, and if not to disturb the Curia, the armed forces, the oil companies, the Rotary Club, the corporate mass of Boca Juniors and the Ladies' Center-to-the-heads-small-for-the-Jibaro. That if any lady will be named Secretary of the Municipality of Saladillo and it will demonstrate that the woman knows and can and as the Dejen.Así let us wear pants now compensate for the lack of real authority, it is possible that our next rulers give us some benefits. And any reform is welcome, if urgent remedy dramas that can not wait. But we know that the policy of Leopard does not serve the long but to reinforce the status quo: it is good that another enhancement grant to continue juggling accessory essentials: the final settlement of class barriers and sexo.EL Liberation Movement Women not satisfied with hospice services, but have no choice but to approve them in the first instance. Nor blindly seeking equality with man (equal on brute force tactics of oppression, failure?). Struggle to win an absolute determination to end the distribution of privileges, duties and penalties as sex, eventually building a new civilization, human and women cooperativa.Las such as blacks, the colonized, the working class, As we become aware, unless we want handouts, we want what is ours by-law and rob us every day, ie, EVERYTHING. Women, who were custodians of life "to be raffled in war-we want more than ever to defend the manufacturers of death. But as, when and how we determine the most nosotras.UNA perfect and subtle treachery of our society is the mental conditioning and sterilization of women and children. But fighting it is the struggle of all women. How to comply with the covenant not to advise, and less hurried at this time of proselytizing, I'm not asking you to become militant improvised. But I have an obligation to tell you that trying to figure out what it is, and suspect the admirable lectures of ignorance that can give you the means of difusión.Releo this letter written to run on the machine and I guess you may find it aggressive. Sorry. I could not make it worse. For more to call forth the style I can not reflect the aggressiveness of a shantytown, a clandestine abortion price at the pharmacy. These ingredients form a shipwreck in which women and children come first. As well as national successes we slipped from the rear. Thank caballeros.Creo in this game of the votes, as in many others, women are nobodies. I think our game will be played eventually, on another front. This does not mean you will not hold if you go to vote in faith. I also I have, but in you.

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interests us: Femicide

The death of a brave

Susana Chavez

h ttp: / /
01/12/2011 10: 3:01 a.m.
Susana Chavez writer and poet, activist against femicide in Mexico and author of the phrase "Not one more death" was raped and murdered in Ciudad Juárez

Poet and activist Susana Chavez, creator of the phrase "Not one more death" for pink crosses are reminiscent of the women murdered in Ciudad Juárez, ended with a severed hand and a bag over his head, to become, she also, in the first femicide victim this year in that city in northern Mexico.

social activist was raped and murdered in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, in northern Mexico, local authorities said. Chavez, 36, demanded to be clarified and the murders of women in this border town.

His family even claim that she coined the phrase "Not one more death," which has become a symbol of the struggle against femicide. It was also a writer and among his works is the poem Blood, dedicated to a murdered wife.

last thing he wrote in his blog, First Thunder ( ) was: "I felt pain before all the violence escalated that we are living in this my native ciudadanosde Juárez. But now I feel emptiness, helplessness and powerlessness, I guess as many. Think of improvement for me is green, but hope I have it yet because I am a woman of faith. Viva Juárez! ".

On Tuesday, his remains were buried in the cemetery Tepeyac, one of the oldest in Ciudad Juárez. During the funeral, his father, Justo Chavez said: "The little we know is that some men were following the hit, was taken to the house guarding the Balata then raped, then suffocated."

The Attorney General of Chihuahua reported that "once committed the crime, the accused tried to get rid of the body and to simulate execution of organized crime, he chopped off his left hand with a saw and then dumped the body."

The suspects were minors, were arrested shortly after committing the crime. Sergio Cárdenas Rubén de la O, The Brake Pads, Aaron Acevedo Roberto Martínez, El Pelon, and Gibran Carlos Ramírez Muñoz, El Pollo, were arrested and brought before a judge specializing in Juvenile Offenders, Justice for the crime of murder.

The National Commission on Human Rights opened a record of office by the death of activist Susana Chavez and follow up investigations into the case.

The NHRC said in a press release that "will be attentive to the evolution of events and eventually issue the resolution that under applicable law."

The Commission condemns the killing and demand the authorities with an effective investigation to resolve and bring to justice the person or persons responsible

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We were interested: femicide in Argentina

.-- The Senate and House of Representatives, ...

Femicide NATION

Article 1: To amend Rule 80 of the Code Criminal, which reads as follows:
"Article 80. - It will impose life imprisonment or life imprisonment, may apply the provisions of Article 52, which kills: 1 º A
ascendant, descendant or spouse, knowing that they are.
2 º With cruelty, treachery, poison or otherwise insidious.
3 For price or promise of remuneration.
4 For pleasure, greed, racial or religious hatred.
5 ° by a suitable means to create a common danger. 6 º
premeditated With the assistance of two or more people.
7 º To prepare, facilitate, consummate or conceal another crime or to ensure their results or secure immunity for himself or another or failing to accomplish the intended purpose to try another crime.
8 ° A member of the public security forces, police or prison for his role, position or condition. (Clause incorporated by art. 1 of the Law No. 25,601 BO11/6/2002)
9 ° abusing their position or office, when he is an integral member of the security forces, police or prison service. (Clause incorporated by art. 1 of the Law No. 25,816 BO9/12/2003)
10 º A military superiority against enemy weapons or troop formed. (Clause incorporated by art. 2 of Annex I of Law No. 26,394 29/8/2008 BO. Term: shall commence the SIX (6) months of its promulgation. During that period will take place in relevant areas an outreach and training on its content and application).
11 º to a woman by violence, when it should be exercised by a man.
Where in the case of the first paragraph of this article, deems it extraordinary mitigating circumstances, the judge may apply imprisonment or imprisonment from eight to twenty-five. "

Article 2: amend section 82 of the Penal Code, which reads as follows:

"SECTION 82. - When in the cases of paragraph 1 º and 11 º of Article 80 under any of the circumstances of paragraph 1 of the previous article, the penalty shall be imprisonment or imprisonment of ten to twenty years. "

Article 3: Amend Article 92 of the Code criminal, which reads as follows:
"Article 92. - If any of the circumstances listed in subparagraphs 1 to 10 of Article 80, the penalty shall be: in the case of Article 89, six months to two years in the case of Article 90 of three to ten years, and in the case of Article 91, from three to fifteen years. If you concur
the circumstances set out in paragraph 11 of article 80, shall apply the maximum penalty for those in the previous paragraph for the cases of Articles 89, 90 and 91. "

Rule 4: Communicate to the Executive.


Mr. President,

The term "femicide" (or "femicide" as known in some countries) is not in the dictionary of the Royal Academy, but such is the magnitude of the phenomenon the fact is that - in recent years - has finally imposed laws, rulings and government plans in Latin America.

American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) cited him more than forty times in one of his last statements, defining the femicide as "Murder of a woman because of her gender ', the Mexican Congress in 2004 created a special commission to analyze it Guatemala's legislators passed a law in 2008 - a pioneer in Latin America and the world - to tackle the phenomenon.

Femicide is one of the most extreme forms of violence against women is murder by a man towards a woman he considers his property. The term femicide is political, is the complaint to the naturalization of society toward violence against women. The term femicide was developed by American writer Carol Orlock in 1974 and publicly used in 1976 by the feminist Diana Russell, before the International Court of Crimes Against Women in Brussels [1] .
There is also the term "femicide connected", developed by Research Area Civil Association La Casa del Encuentro, that analyzes the actions of FEMICA to consummate his purpose: to kill, punish or destroy the woman psychologically for which exerts domination. In this definition are recorded two categories: people who were murdered by the FEMICA, trying to prevent femicide or were trapped "in the line of fire" and people with family or emotional bond with the woman, who were killed by FEMICA in order to psychologically punish the woman he considers his property. [2]

Mexico was the first state convicted of femicide by the Commission in an April 2009 ruling, which exceeded the regional significance and international precedent. The ruling concluded that Mexico violated the right to life and the duty of non-discrimination in access to justice and ordered the Government to investigate the guilty in 2001 killing eight women in Ciudad Juárez cotton field.

As our country is concerned, the Research Report of the Observatory of Femicide in Argentina Civil Society Adriana Marisel Zambrano (with data corresponding to the period from January 1 to October 31, 2010), recorded 206 murders of women (women and girls ) and 12 murders of women linked to men and boys, with an increase of 19% over the same period in 2009, Law No. 26,485 and penalized. It also highlights the following results:
1) Victim's age 0 to 1 year: 22 to 12 years: 813 to 18 years: 1319 to 30 years: 7431 to 50 years from 6351 to 65 years from 2466 to 90 years 14Sin recorded age: 8
2) Age of femicida13 18 years: 419 to 30 years: 6631 to 50 years from 7851 to 65 years from 2666 to 90 years old registered 7Sin: 25
3) Modus OperandiBaleada: 56Golpeada: 38Apuñalada: 41Degollada: 21Estrangulada: 21Incinerada: 10Descuartizada: 3Ahogada: 1Envenenada : 1Asfixiada: 4Hacha and Machete: 3Causa unknown: 74) link to the Victim-Husband
-Engaged Couples: Husbands 76Ex-Couples-Boyfriends: 62Hermanos / Step Brothers: 1Padres / stepfather family 6Other: 13Vecinos / Acquaintance: 26Sin apparent link: 22
willful death of women for the simple fact of being female is not in our current legal system for a specific figure than that of the murder, so propose the explicit incorporation of femicide as a separate statutory offense - the same penalty that currently has aggravated homicide in the Penal Code Article 80 - because the reality is that women suffer multiple attacks in which denotes a complete disregard for them because they are women, leading to suffer terrible attacks that often end their lives, after they have been subjected to torture, maiming, sexual violence and other degrading treatment in the most absolute contempt for the female gender, all of which require behavior of our criminal government strongest response and adoption, from the various administrations of justice and other branches of government, measures that are effective for the eradication of gender inequality.

Hence the importance of treating the femicide as a crime in our Penal Code.

is not only our opinion, is a duty which forced the Argentine government, the Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women "Convention of Belem do Pará" - embodied in our legislation through enactment of Law N º 24632 - provides in Article 7, paragraph c) that "States Parties condemn all forms of violence against women and agree to pursue by all appropriate means and without delay, policies to prevent, punish and eradicate such violence and carry out the following: c) include in their domestic legislation penal, civil and administrative as well as any other type as may be necessary to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women and to adopt appropriate administrative measures as may be the case. "
Also in 2009, was enacted in our country, the Law N º 26,485 of Comprehensive Protection of Women for the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women, which in Articles 4, 5 and 6 defines what is violence against women, by their different types and forms. Despite

the sanction of the latter, and the implementation of various institutions and organizations working to eradicate gender violence, reality shows that have not diminished even femicides over but, quite the contrary, the trend in recent years indicated a significant increase (see various reports of the Observatory in Argentina Femicides Civil Society Marisel Adriana Zambrano).

For these reasons I request the MPs and Members of the adoption of this draft law

[1] # 1112011
[2] Op cit

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interests us: abortion in Argentina

Page 12, Friday December 31 2010 2010

Although the end of the regular sessions opened the discussion on abortion in the legislative , 2010 also was the year that a decision at the ministerial level to ensure the non-punishable abortions has lost its status as such thanks to conservative pressure and the media denounced it as a covert decriminalization. The truth is that women are still discriminated against in ensuring autonomy over their own bodies and that discrimination costs lives among the most vulnerable. Looking to 2011, a balance of the proceedings and the hope of things to come.

By Liliana Viola
For some curious reason, before the idea of \u200b\u200ban assessment of progress or setbacks in the legalization of abortion appear immediately referred to the Equal Marriage Act. "There goes the Divorce Act, the Equal Marriage Act, we are discussing the decriminalization of abortion and the church is on fire," said the Los Andes in those days. "He left the law that seemed impossible, but abortion will not go so easy. Gave this dislike to the Church because are not willing to give the other. Abortion in this country will not ever leave. "
Oscillating between those who consider it a step that paves the way towards a fairer society, and who understand that the first was an excuse to leave in the oblivion of the other progressive agenda The connection between these two claims not only shares the disapproval and anger of conservatives. There is something else. The curious reason that unites them, and that in recent months has been installed in the debate, argumentative breaking the monopoly of the dilemma of when life begins, when a person is born, is related to the concept of discrimination. And if something was evident during the marriage debate was that most of this society is not willing to endorse, at least law-the dehumanization of a portion of its citizens, for the moment as far as gender concerns. Against this, staggers drafted legislation for nearly a century as criminals by pointing to those who interrupt their pregnancy conviction to a part of the population to bring your body into hiding and death. "Official figures show that 40 percent of pregnancies end in abortions Argentina. Logically, this means that each of you in this room knows at least one woman who has had at least one abortion. "So said in the National Congress last November Marianne Mollmann (representative of the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch) when she opened the only parliamentary debate on abortion is not punishable to the Criminal Law Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, what can be considered a point no less than the balance. What would fail to add to the words of this expert is that those who know a woman who has used at least one abortion, if we are middle or upper class, we will know how difficult their decision, their fears, the moment humiliating search minimally a reliable doctor, the highest amount have been paid. (The penalty also allows "clinics" clandestine work with little regard to health and life of women.) But the woman who we are or know, to date, not been killed by it. Now, if you do not belong to that strip off, sure you also know one or more women who have abortions, except that this friend, sister or mother will most likely have been sterile or with serious lifelong complications. Or be dead.
In Argentina, abortion is the leading cause of maternal death. 11 percent of American women who die from pregnancy-related causes die from an illegal abortion, in our country this figure is doubled. The only other two countries in the region where abortions are the leading cause of maternal death are Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago (according to the Center for the Study of State and Society in Argentina).
point linking the claims of equal marriage and the decriminalization of abortion is equality before the law, the claim by setting aside a part of society, which in this case in point is women. Poor women. The point has become a crossroads marked by poverty, where the market ends up dialing rules that separate private beneficiaries of public survivors, while the moral slogan looks away when he defends life. "When a woman reaches a hospital complications of having an abortion, it is often treated badly, as a matter of stigma, "says Mariana Romero, Cedes. According to the Ministry of Health of the Nation, in 2008 more than 20 percent of recorded obstetric deaths were caused by unsafe abortions. And according to new figures on maternal mortality, last year the proportion of maternal deaths attributable to abortion was 28 percent. Mortality increased by 10 percent instead of decreasing, as would have happened if they had fulfilled the goals of the Millennium Goals, set in 2000.
The debate over the civil marriage law instituted in the public taste for dialogue and the relevance of science-based arguments and all updated. He remained interested in the historical debate to mainstream audiences beyond that want to marry or not allowed to make the case more conservative, more heinous and more convincing. So beyond the strategies taken to overcome the political pressures, the fact is that the exercise of discussion and fosters released an issue like this can be discussed in 2011 in terms of public health, human rights and discrimination by gender. "When we look at public health reasons and the number of women who die each day for septic abortions, those considerations tilt the balance. Even if we leave aside these unfortunate consequences, an analysis of whether to ban or allow abortion, at least during the first weeks of pregnancy, changes the focus of the discussion, because permissive legislation does not force women to abort against their will. But restrictive legislation forcing women to continue a pregnancy, violating their will, "says Diana Agrest Cohen, author of a book What do you think those who think like me, he analyzes the abortion and gay marriage among other issues, from a bioethical perspective.

Martha Rosenberg, psychoanalyst and member of the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion Legal, Safe and Free
Argentine Penal Code was enacted in the nineteenth century, years before and years later, abortion was considered by our laws as a crime. During the first two decades of the twentieth century did not admit even special justification, in 1919 introduced new forms of impunity grasping the Swiss Penal Code, although with drafting errors that led to the present a place for doctrinal discussion. The present wording is practically the same as the 1922 Code. If the legislation is aged, the debate is not new. For contributions in the 90 project by Mrs Florentina Gómez Miranda, who put in the public debate the situation of women raped, we add numerous projects over the last decade. But the milestone comes in March this year, when he presented to Congress the draft of the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion Legal, Safe and Free, with about 50 signatures from lawmakers in a vast political spectrum ranging from the ruling to the PRO, to CC, GEN, Project South, New Meeting, UCR, and the Socialist Party, among other blocks. The bill establishes the right of every woman to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy within the first 12 weeks of gestational process and rules that must be ensured free of charge in public health services. Social work, and insurance should cover it.
What is your reading on the arrival of the abortion issue to the Legislature?
"First we must say that abortion came to the Legislature in a very precarious, because it was the last day of regular sessions with a meeting in November, was not even a public hearing, but was a day of discussion, not is a set of standard procedures for treating a subject but an invitation to a public conference with an expert and internationally recognized (Marianne Mollmann). Attended by many legislators, was important in this regard because it marked a move by the committee head of this project, which is the first that has to deal, and a public commitment by Mr Juan Carlos Vega and other deputies present, but it is he who has the initiative to actually concerned in the commission He pledged that they were in 2011 and the request was handled at the beginning of the year with priority.
does not seem very convinced that the issue concerned the coming year.
Well, he said he will try, but keep in mind that there was already a commitment in 2010 and was postponed until it was approached in this way. I also believe that parliamentarians were pronouncements of other committees, and this would be very auspicious start early in the year with a combined treatment of the three committees involved.
Do you think in the last year public opinion has shown a higher sensitivity compared to this?
"Over the past year has been increasing constantly in the public opinion polls favorable to the expansion of legal abortion. In one of them was that 62 percent of the public did not agree with that penalize women who undergo abortion. And there were important institutional pronouncements in you can see the universities and institutions that adhered to the theme and in many cases joined the project in the campaign. And Amnesty also commented on the very urgent need that this issue concerned by the socio-medical indicators of deaths of women from pregnancy.
You have a hypothesis about why we still have no concrete data about deaths from illegal abortions?
"The Church and the medical profession do a lot of pressure, even in anonymous surveys that physicians recognize the importance of the topic. Therefore, the demand for state intervention is very important, for example the issue of regulation of non-punishable abortions, which was the subject of some tremendous ups and downs during 2010. Regulation made by the Ministry of Health is in effect but has no ministerial resolution range. Then balance that against the offer, it should be noted that there were many hesitations on the subject of abortion commitments reactionary sectors of power, right and also by a conception of the Government to rule that can be applied to personal religious convictions as conduct standards for all people.
How so?
"If our country is freedom of worship, this also means that there is freedom to have no religion, which is to take care of life above all things. This is especially important for the female population, which is more than half the population. And this is an issue that affects more severely the poor, with less access to education and less access to health services. And I must say that although our population is largely Catholic, women who practice abortion also are Catholic. Current legislation is ineffective on abortions performed in fact all it does is make clandestine and illegal, put women in a situation of obvious disability.
Why do you think that every time raises the debate is in terms of for or against abortion, as if this were really the choice? "Because
playing a very important power on a fundamental aspect of life in society, which is the replacement of generations, and the most reactionary sectors of the Church and the power needed to maintain control over the process of reproduction and women who are carrying this process forward. So the idea of \u200b\u200bliberalizing the abortion laws as granting freedom to women to continue a pregnancy or not, is an idea that gives much power to women. Then there is the idea that it might open a range of legislation to enable that the law permits something, we're used to that laws prohibit or impose things, and people think that if abortion is legalized will force someone who does not want to abort. The truth is that women abort all ages and all walks of life.
How do we?
"I think we have to keep working so that people recognize that this is an issue of society, but they pay with their health and lives of young women and poor. And it definitively is a political problem.

Kabusacki Leticia, a specialist in family law and sexual and reproductive health, a member of ELA (Equipment Latin American Justice and Gender), an NGO informants CEDAW meeting
Among the significant events this year are without doubt the recommendations and harsh criticism of the Argentina that made after the July meeting in New York CEDAW, the UN committee in charge of monitoring compliance by States with the implementation of human rights of women. This year, the United Nations, inter alia, urged the government to "ensure" the implementation of the Guidelines for Comprehensive Care Abortions are not punishable. It was a fundamental tool for both the concerned were aware of their rights as to health workers and implement justice without hesitation and without delay the laws. This was perhaps the most anticlockwise on the subject. Returning the relationship between equal marriage anything casual and abortion law was just enacted in July when the first, when the health minister, Juan Manzur, announced that the Guide, which provides for updating the practice of abortion in rape cases with the sole requirement of an affidavit or a police report the woman was in effect. The next day he denied having signed the resolution.
What was the specific recommendation of the CEDAW in relation to reproductive rights?
"After evaluating the responses of the national and also to listen very carefully to the reports of the 10 organizations in the country's civil society we were present, CEDAW noted that Argentina should take steps to reduce the number of maternal deaths, adapt and amend its law so that women are granted the access to sexual and reproductive health. This includes the removal of barriers to performing abortions are not punishable.
Do refers to the need to amend the legislation?
"The UN Committee expressed concern about restrictive abortion legislation of Article 86 of the Penal Code and also inconsistent interpretation by the courts when it comes to abortions are not punishable. Another big caveat revolves around the lack of concrete data. No data, no gender-disaggregated statistical data, which is very important because there is no way to read the reality without it. Poverty, for example, and in relation to what we are saying, differently affect women and men. It also warns that lack measures to ensure that the provinces have equal access to health services beyond the federal system and their quality.
What is the scope with the recommendations of the CEDAW?
"The first thing to note is that this Convention, which is 20 years old, which he did from the time it was created was to highlight the rights of women which is watching are part of human rights. And that's how we read internationally, therefore, countries that do not comply are undermining these rights. Then, on the scope, we must bear in mind that once a country adopts one of these treaties, and Argentina has been one of the first Latin American countries do, "incorporates his policy plexus. That is, are constitutional. The human rights treaty that was entered is law, and all legislation in Argentina, including the provinces, must conform to this standard.
What are the benefits to a country in the form of these treaties and the damage is not complying with them?
-The benefit is to belong to a group of nations that favor development. It is an economic benefit, since there are specific programs to foster development. At the same time it is considered that a country can develop if half its population, in this case women, are at risk, too moral.
And is there some specific connection between private citizens and these laws? Can I use these international bodies such as when your country does not allow you to perform your own abortion law allows?
-Argentina in 2007 adopted the Optional Protocol to CEDAW. This makes the people affected can go directly to voice your complaint after exhaustion of domestic courts including the Supreme Court appeal. Already there are cases before the OEA Iberoamericana. In fact this happened in 2006 in the case known as "MRL international responsibility of State's attempt to breach the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights." A girl from La Plata, 19 years with intellectual disabilities had been raped by a family that denied him his right to an abortion.
"The perspective of the CEDAW report is bleak?
"It's devastating, is a strong warning to specific violations of the state, meaning the state at all authorities and public institutions such as hospitals, for example. It is documented, based on very serious and comprehensive reports. Highlights many good things in Argentina, made especially during the previous government, which laid the foundation, structure, so that the situation of women improves. This has done much to promote non-discrimination of women, among other things, created in 2004 the National Women's Council, progress was made in the regulation and the laundering of domestic workers, the Universal and Son is another and important point highlighted by the agency. What we are claiming is the implementation of any ideal structure and often without resources sufficient.

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Magdalena second generation, has been striving to assemble and work management Women's Voices, Women's Festival Stage, in 2011.
soon be releasing the call.

Natalia Marcet

Seminar La Casa del soul

Villa Gesell continues during the month of February in the seminar La CASA DEL ALMA. Pre-expressive work for people with eating disorders. Facilitated by Natalia
Marcet with therapeutic advice of Ms. Sarandon
Flora Contacts: @ @

Gabriela Bianco
De Alex Turner. Address
Gabriela Bianco
is presented every Wednesday in February at 21 pm at the Teatro El Cubo.
3053.Abasto Pasaje Zelaya. For more info

Ana Woolf.

Assistant Director of Eugenio Barba
During the month of February, Ana Woolf, to develop his work as Assistant Director of Eugenio Barba on the last show of the Odin Teatret, La Vita Cronica.Nordisk Tetret Laboratorium. Holstebro. Denmark.

Duration 3 months. In Buenos Aires, Argentina. Open
Argentine participants, girls and abroad.
Abril-May-June 2011 Working
stage presence. Techniques for developing personal training. Manufacture of actor / actress. Introduction to the language of physical actions, vocal. Construction work on text and character.
For more detailed information write to

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WORKING WORKING: International presentation in

Daniel Luisa Veronese, Barbara Biscaro direction, acting Sandra Knoll
February 12 in Castelar
Augustine returned. Luisa tells his reunion with the man who, after twelve years of waiting, suddenly becomes a night to say goodbye. Luisa's universe and the universe of Augustine are intertwined in a story that mixes facts, memories and imagination. The memories, real or created, composed of a fabric woven and unwoven by time, by love and by waiting. The initiative came from the desire of the actress Sandra Knoll of staging the text of Daniel Veronese, was established so that the staging could give voice and freedom to this actress who tells the story of character and at the same time develops a personal drama about the universe proposed by the text. It is a staging that was designed to be carried out both in theaters and in open spaces and non-theatrical, in order to dialogue with different architectural forms, such as facades of houses, gardens and walls and has an intimate nature with a reduced government capacity to provide close proximity between the viewer and the scene.

Year: 2010
Duration: 40 minutes
Seating capacity: 50 places
Show bilingual, conducted in Portuguese and English.

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Alex Turner, Gabriela Bianco address

A priest who assists someone tell ejecucionespara as . A woman who appeals to science to terminarcon his life, because it can not salvársela.Un murderer is revealed against their ejecución.Un artificiososmecanismos doctor who just wants do their job: matar.Y havens that seem hell. Work
Turner led by Gabriela Alejandro Bianco.
With Evelyn Romano, Mario Petrosini, Mariano Miquelarena and Angel Felix.
Teatro El Cubo.
21pm Wednesday from Jan. 19
Entry $ 40

with texts by Doña Rosita , Yerma and Mariana Pineda, Julieta Cancelli conceived this tribute to Federico García Lorca. Music and dance created especially for the show, accompanied by the stark beauty the work of the great Andalusian writer. That deep sense that beats from the earth itself, and in women materializes out of his pen.
revival: Saturday 15 January at 20 pm
Functions: Saturday, January and February at 20 pm
Ostrich No: 1857 Humboldt
Reports: 4777-6956
Admission: $ 30 and $ 20
http://ar to =

About the play ... No heaven without earth
There is no freedom without choice,
There is no creation without roots ...

A journey through the world of women Lorca. A world full of metaphors, where the desire throbs emerge from the illusion.
A proposal that was conceived after a thorough search, which aims at the harmonious union of different artistic languages. Factsheet

Singer: Julieta Cancelli
Guitar: Maximiliano Bus
Winds and Percussion: German Gigena
Guest artist: Fernando Atias
Costume: Julia Set
Side: Maximiliano Trent
Photo: Eugenia López
Music Creation: Maximiliano
Choreographic Creation Bus : Julieta Cancelli
acting Address: Ricardo Bangueses
General Support: Maximiliano Trent
Executive producer: Arte Flamenco
Release: Simkin & Franco
general idea and direction: Julieta Cancelli



of Daniel Veronese to address Biscaro Barbara (Brazil) and Sandra Knoll action (Brazil)

6 and 13 February in Buenos Aires and 12 February in Castelar

Along with the "Arts Club" We are pleased to present on tour in Buenos Aires on one-man "Luisa" written by Daniel Veronese (Argentina) starring Sandra Knoll (Brazil) and directed by Barbara Biscaro (Brazil). volvió.Luisa Augustine recounts his encounter with the man who, after twelve years of waiting, suddenly becomes a night to say goodbye. Luisa's universe and the universe are intertwined Augustine, a story that mixes facts, memories and imagination. The memories, real or created, composed of a fabric woven and unwoven by time, by the love and the espera.Ficha TécnicaTexto - Daniel VeroneseDirección - Barbara BiscaroActuación - Sandra KnollEscenografía and apparel - Roberto GorgatiTraducción text - André CarreiraAdaptación text - Sandra KnollAsesoramiento foreign language - Esteban CampanelaLuisa is a one-man born of a partnership between three artists: the actresses Sandra Knoll and Barbara Biscaro and designer Roberto Gorgati. The initiative came from the desire of the actress Sandra Knoll of staging the text of Daniel Veronese, was established so that the staging could give voice and freedom to this actress who tells the story of character and at the same time develops a personal drama about the universe proposed by the text. It is a staging that was designed to be carried out both in theaters and in open spaces and non-theatrical, in order to dialogue with different architectural forms, such as facades of houses, gardens and walls and has an intimate nature with a reduced government capacity to provide close proximity between the viewer and the scene.

Year: 2010

Duration: 40 minutes

Seating capacity: 40 places

Show bilingual, conducted in Portuguese and English.

06 and February 13, 2011

Hours: 19.30 and 21.00 hours

Admission: $ 25.00

Reservations: 4384.0700 / /

SEMINAR INTENSIVE : permeable body
Barbara Biscaro
In conjunction with the Arts Club will host the seminar intensive "permeable body" by the singer, director and teacher Barbara Biscaro (Brazil) *. This is a seminar focusing on the theatrical creation through the work of actor, using the individual on the scene, their memories, their physical body and its desires as a starting point for the scenic work. Through the use of vocal and body techniques, the course aims to develop the permeability of the actor on stage, their capacity for action and response to external and internal stimuli, challenging the actor to improvise and compose their own material on stage. The use of movement and musicality of the song as poetic gesture voice are the basis for the development of kinesthetic memory of the actor, his ability to improvise and create voice and voice-body integration as a way to concretize technical and poetic in the course of each participant.

The course will seek to develop:
-technical aspects of voice, breathing, use of resonators, singing and vocal improvisation with the text.
-technical aspects of body movement: use of qualities such as weight, time and space in creating the movement and development of the musicality of the body on stage.
-Creation of new phrases to the scene, both from the sung and spoken word.
-Integration body-work voice actor, looking for the physical body of the voice. Composition and improvisation
of scenic materials from the materials proposed by the participants. Target

- actors, dancers, singers, professional and students and the general public
* Barbara is a graduate in Art Education with qualification in Performing Arts from the University of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC). Graduation is currently studying Music at the same university and graduated at the Post-Graduate Program for five years UDESC.Integró Andras Cia De Dança-Teatro, company Florianópolis / SC, focusing on physical training work of actor-dancer and language development through the drama of the movement, from daily physical training and research theory and practice guided by Prof. Dr. Milton de Andrade. Participated as a dancer and cultural production of the work of Andras Co., with the show Quijote, in the year 2005, and Butterfly, in the year 2006 referred to the Incentive Award Dance Klauss various courses continuously Viana.Realiza preparation to jam and various vocal techniques of the voice approach, with professionals like Monica Montenegro, Germana Giannini (Italy), Massimiliano Buldrini (Italy) and Sabine Uitz (Austria). She had singing lessons and vocal technique for four years with the Brazilian soprano Elaine Boniol, graduate and Master of the Holkschüle Weimar / Germany. He studied physiology and pedagogy of singing voice with mezzo-soprano Catarina Claudinei Crescêncio. Currently takes lessons with soprano Samira Hassan. Make physical and vocal preparation of actors and has a job teaching with a focus on body preparation of singers, with a view to integrate body movement and voice in theatrical and musical work. In the years 2008 and 2010 spent periods in Italy studying and teaching music and conducted short courses in theater in the city of Imola / Italy next to the TILT - Imola Trasgressivo Teatrale.Cantante Laboratory, studies and teaches vocal technique for actors, having participated in the professional choir Polyphonia Khorus, Florianópolis / SC and worked as a singer in operas such as Carmen and Cavalleria Rusticana. Research develops a sole proprietorship, which resulted in the show "Recite - tudo aquilo Shaman to ATTENTION, attracted and turned on or olhar" in the year 2006, with a repertoire of music of Claudio Santoro, H. Villa Lobos and Kurt Weil, with a view to investigate the integration of the singing voice and movement corporal.En the year 2008 and 2010, together with artists like Monica Siedler, Marisa Gláucia Naspolini and Grigolo, Vertex event occurred Brazil match and theater shows made by women, Florianópolis / SC, linked to The Magdalena Project.En the year of 2010 was referred to the allowance of Stimulus to Culture Elisabete Anderle, State Government of Santa Catarina with a research project that originated the stage show "A Menina Boba" and directed the show "Louise" with the CIA Teatrais Experimentus within Intersecções project contemplated by the award Myriam Muniz, the Funarte.